Ready to feel confident with make-up?

Welcome to She Coaches Confidence!  I’m Lucy, a trained Make-up Artist (Glauca Rossi 2004) and passionate about making women feel great about themselves. Make-up does so many things for a woman, and whilst it can’t completely change your confidence or can do so much for how you feel about yourself. It is empowering, uplifting and when done right, a lot of fun!

If you feel like you’d love to get better at make-up, but don’t know where to start, look no further – you’ve found it. Come to my beautiful studio in Lincolnshire and together (or with friends at a group lesson) we will take everything back a step and start from the beginning. What is foundation, how to do use concealer properly, how do you make lipstick last, what skincare is good, how to stop mascara smudging, what are the eleven items you need in your make-up bag, and more!

I booked a shopping session and private make-up lesson with Lucy and haven't looked back! Who knew doing a smokey eye was so easy and that concealer would be my forever friend. So grateful for knowing what to buy and where to put it on my face. Anna, 49.

The best colour in the world is the one that looks good on you – Coco Chanel

When did you last go through your make-up bag and edit or get rid of the items that no longer work for you? Do you throw things away that are out of date? Did you know that the majority of make-up items have a shelf-life, just like food does? Have you got brushes that you love and do you clean them regularly? You see not many of us were taught how to do make-up when we were teens. It is different now, most teenagers watch tutorials online and pick up the best tips and tricks within minutes that will stay with them for life. But it is not too late, learning great make-up is easy and once you know, you know!

If you feel like you identify with any of the following; let’s chat!

I have all the gear, but no idea

I never go make-up shopping because I feel clueless

I feel overwhelmed with the choice out there

My make-up never stays put

I get confused about what order I should apply make-up

I’m in my mid-forties and don’t know what to do anymore

I either wear too little or too much

I have no idea on what colours to buy

(+ many more make-up dilemmas)