You already have confidence!

Welcome to She Coaches Confidence! Did you know that many people think they have low confidence? You see, appearing confident on the outside, and trying to ‘be’ confident doesn’t really work and it is far away from what confidence actually is. Imposter syndrome, fear of public speaking, problems communicating and having a negative mindset are some of the things people mention to me when we speak about confidence and feeling like these things are bigger than the confidence itself. Well, what if I tell you all those things aren’t real and that you have exactly what it takes to be confident always?

Every week I speak to women who tell me that their lack of confidence is having a negative effect on them, and I can empathise – I’ve been there! It is the reason I became a confidence coach. My coaching is carefully designed for people who struggle to feel fully confident and my aim with all my clients is to help them see that confidence is alredy there, it juts needs a few tweaks to get it back. Through coaching sessions I help clients to fully get to grips with why think their confidence is low and give them a brnd new perspective on what it is that is actually stopping them from being fully present and confident. The result? confidence, calm-mind, happiness and self-belief.

I just had a much needed a 1-1 with Lucy. I had an incredibly stressful situation with work, so I took time out and made contact with Lucy because I wanted to understand where my negative thoughts and feelings were coming from. Our session really helped me to understand why and how my confidence was low. Like all these things, it is working progress and I can't wait to work with Lucy again in the new year. Thank you, Lucy – these words are used everyday day, but this is from the heart.

Confidence is something that we ALL have!

Confidence is something that we ALL have… read that again. We all have it, that’s right! During recent discoveries and some new coaching of my own, I now know that confidence isn’t daily practice and mantras and “I am confident” affirmations – far from it!  Confidence is something that you already have  and you’ve always had it.

How do I know it works? A few months ago my confidence hit a low point again despite me doing all the ‘right things’ – I was journaling, doing my affirmations, excercising but nothing was working. I felt blamey, unhappy and quite low. My coach helped me to understand that I was the only one affecting my confidence and once I grasped this, things started to lift and my confidence returned. That is obviously the short version, it actually took around 4-months for me to feel good again and it has stayed, without any daily practice!

How can you benefit from coaching? I will support you through every stage of your journey to confidence – I am not promising it’ll be smooth and easy but I am sure that when you work with me you will understand more than you have have – and it is in that exact place your confidence lives.

If you feel like you identify with any of the following, let’s chat!

Imposter syndrome

Negative thoughts

Self-sabotaging behaviour

Low self-belief

Worrying about what others think of you


Fear of decision making

Fear of public speaking




(+ many more)